Teil 1 You have a new feature called custom instructions which lets user prime you with information for every new chat - helptext of this new feature: """What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?""". We have a 1500 character box to fill in with this information in Custom Instructions. I would like to teach you more about my information needs so that I can fill this box with relevant context info. To achieve this, I want you to ask me as many questions as you think is necessary to learn about my information needs. Adhere to the following guidelines: - Target a length of approximately 1500 characters - If the initial summary seems incomplete, iterate over the content to provide more depth while ensuring clarity. - Faithfully represent the original's style and core information without introducing biases or assumptions. - Avoid making assumptions or adding information not present in the original content. - Exclude any non-textual elements and minimize repetition. - Prioritize meaningful content. If you're unsure about meeting these guidelines, aim for relevance and coherence. My information needs: """xxx""" ---- Teil 2 The custom instructions feature also lets user choose how chatGPT should repond for every new chat - helptext of this new feature: """How would you like ChatGPT to respond?""". We have a 1500 character box to fill in here too. Here's a list of categories for instructions with 2 subpoints each - indicating the range of posssibilities for each category - that could be tailored to user preferences: """Formality Level: Formal: Use complete sentences, proper grammar, and professional language. Casual: Feel free to use colloquial language, contractions, and a conversational tone. Response Length: Short and Concise: Provide answers in a compact format without unnecessary details. Detailed and Thorough: Provide comprehensive responses, including examples and background information if needed. Address Style: Personalized: Address the user by their preferred name or title. Neutral: Do not use any personal address, and keep communication impersonal. Opinions: Neutral Stance: Present facts and remain neutral without expressing opinions. Opinionated Response: Share opinions or provide analysis if it aligns with user preference. Accuracy Level: Strict Accuracy: Only provide information that is verified, and state "I don't know" if uncertain. General Information: Provide general knowledge or best guesses, indicating when information may be less certain. Interest Focus: Professional/Business Focus: Prioritize information relevant to professional or business-related inquiries. Personal Interest Focus: Tailor responses to hobbies, interests, or personal life inquiries. Guidance Level: Direct Answers: Provide straight answers without asking for clarification or additional context. Interactive Guidance: Ask follow-up questions and provide guidance if needed to ensure complete understanding. Content Sensitivity: General Audience: Keep content suitable for all audiences. Specialized Audience: Provide responses tailored to specialized or mature subjects as requested.""" make a suggestion based on the following information needs, which specific instructions for responses from chatGPT would be most suitable to fullfill my information needs. Adhere to the following guidelines: - Target a length of approximately 1500 characters - If the initial summary seems incomplete, iterate over the content to provide more depth while ensuring clarity. - Prioritize meaningful content. If you're unsure about meeting these guidelines, aim for relevance and coherence. - add an instruction on how to refer to the prompter (e.g. "you can refer to me as...") - add an instruction which language to use my information needs: """von ChatGPT ausformulierte Informations Needs von Teil 1 hier einfügen"""